Well here I am again, facing yet another final week.
Since joining National University in November 2011 I have taken two classes.
That is a lot of work for just eight weeks study time.
One thing which will be new to me is that this present class, A Seminar in Modern China, finishes on Saturday and my next class, Seminar in American History II, starts next Monday.
That only gives me time to watch the Superbowl on Sunday and I am off again.
It was this regime that convinced me to add a break month every third class. Conveniently every third session coincided with not many choices of class for me. Funny how that works.
So I get a break in March.
In my previous college we had two weeks between our eight week sessions to recover a little. It will be interesting to see how I feel when I do a full twelve weeks and three classes, April-June.
Since joining National University in November 2011 I have taken two classes.
That is a lot of work for just eight weeks study time.
One thing which will be new to me is that this present class, A Seminar in Modern China, finishes on Saturday and my next class, Seminar in American History II, starts next Monday.
That only gives me time to watch the Superbowl on Sunday and I am off again.
It was this regime that convinced me to add a break month every third class. Conveniently every third session coincided with not many choices of class for me. Funny how that works.
So I get a break in March.
In my previous college we had two weeks between our eight week sessions to recover a little. It will be interesting to see how I feel when I do a full twelve weeks and three classes, April-June.