
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Keep the Prize in Mind

As you progress on your course it can become easy to get so involved in the day to day business of study.

This blinkered view can lead you into just going through the motions of studying. You read, take notes, write papers, over and over again week after week.

Now and again set yourself the goal of reminding yourself that you are studying for a reason.

Whatever your personal reason is. Remind yourself,

Your personal reason maybe for self-satisfaction, to encourage your children or to help gain a promotion or change career. This is your own personal prize.

Reminding yourself occasionally what your prize is will help you to do better.

You will be happier in your studies if you can see the prize getting closer. Planning your education will help you to break up your classes into areas where you can see rapid progress.

Seeing progress will help you maintain a positive outlook towards your courses.

In my time studying online I have noticed a few common factors. Most students begin a course in a blaze of enthusiasm. By the end of the second week I see the students fall into two groups, the early posters, and the wait till moments before the midnight deadline posters.

Which of those are you?

But guess which group always do better?  Yes. The early posters. I can almost guarantee by the end of the course it is the last minute poster who is no longer in class. Whether dropped or just not posting.

They seem to have lost the view of their own prize. By the time that final paper in the last week is due. They have gone. What a waste.

Weeks of work gone for nothing.  A waste of their time and money.

So take time to stop and remind yourself of the prize. It is your prize.  You are getting closer to it each day.

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