
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Used Bookstore

Our online used bookstore, supported by is receiving used books every few days.

We ship internationally as well as within the United States.

If you or a member of your family are Amazon Prime members you can receive free two day shipping on all item within our Amazon store.

If you spend $25 or more during your shopping trip to Amazon, any purchase from our store counts towards this $25 total you also can claim Free Supersaver shipping.

So why not come visit our store toaday and see what textbooks we have to offer as well as a wide range of books covering all areas of life from cooking to art and crafts and pregnancy.

Visit us at Storefront

Friday, September 20, 2013

Our Used Bookstore

Over recent months we have been building an onlin used booekstore.

We have partnered with to create a great place for you to buy our stock of books.

We sell books ranging from textbooks to collectable first editions.

All purchases are guaranteed secure as collect your payment and ship our books to you directly.

As an added bonus if you are a member of amazon Prime service you receive free two day shipping on all products bought from our store and which are supplied from the warehouse.

If you are not a member of amazon prime, then you can also get free shipping on goods bought from use and the amazon.ccom website, using amazon Supersaver shipping. To qualify for Supersaver shipping your purchase total of all items during your visit must be $25 or more. You need not spend all $25 in our store, but may purchase several items from any amazon fulfilled seller or itself.

We also now ship most of our products internationally via If you live in Europe, Asia or Australia or any region with an distribution network or website, you can purchase our items.

Take a look at our storefront.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Make Your Class Lessons Useful

One of the problems with lessons learned in the classroom is that they can be forgotten very quickly if that learning is not reinforced.

The question is How do you reinforce the lessons that you have learned.

There are several ways:

1. Read and re-write your class notes. This is good to help you improve your understanding and supports the work that you have done in the classroom. But it is limited as you can become very bored very quickly.

2. Build a study group with friends from class. This can work well if you and your friends can meet up in a place such as Starbucks and are disciplined enough to make an agenda and stick to it. All too often though you might find yourselves talking about your great night out instead of the math or physics problem you really meant to discuss.

3. Teach someone else. Teaching someone something which you have already learned is perhaps the most profitable method of supporting your own knowledge. Ask at you college about peer tutoring one of your old classes or post a advertisement in your local public library offering to tutor a student. You may charge a fee if you wish or you can offer a free service. It is up to you, the real aim remember is to help you understand your subject. Having to explain to others is a great way to learn.